BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
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Last Updated: 02-24-1992
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64 Mac RT Logon ƒ.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-06-1991
DESC: This is a very simple White Knight procedure for logging onto the
KEY: Mac RT Logon ƒ.cpt KBytes: 4096
DESC: GEnie Mac RT. It requires: a 2400 baud modem, a tone type phone
DESC: system, and, of course, White Knight.
62 MacArc 0.04.cpt 6 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-17-1989
DESC: MacArc 0.04.sit is the same as ver.03 except it has a better Mac
KEY: MacArc 0.04.cpt KBytes: 22528
DESC: interface. MacArc allows you to unArc IBM files.
61 MacBinary Standard 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-19-1988
DESC: MacBinary Standard
KEY: MacBinary Standard KBytes: 9216
60 MacContent Pict 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-30-1991
DESC: This is the pict file from the AMUG Australia BBS MacContent.
KEY: MacContent Pict KBytes: 43008
59 macGEnie.dd 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-18-1988
DESC: An Icon based interface to the GEnie network! Terrific!
KEY: macGEnie.dd KBytes: 86016
58 MacKERMIT 9.36.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-08-1988
DESC: MacKermit version 9.36
KEY: MacKERMIT 9.36.dd KBytes: 120832
57 MACPOINT.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-28-1991
DESC: MacPoint v0.98 is $5 shareware and is the Mac reader for QMX-XRS.
KEY: MACPOINT.cpt KBytes: 88064
DESC: QMX-XRS is a QuickBBS/RA/SuperBBS offline reader- door used on DOS
DESC: based BBSs. Locally, Kitty's Sandbox (829-7522) both supports Mac
DESC: and uses this reader.
56 Macro.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-30-1986
DESC: RR Macro's for CIS.
KEY: Macro.dd KBytes: 52224
55 macrtmsgdl.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-14-1990
DESC: macrtmsgdl.sit is a WK Procedure for retrieving new Messages from
KEY: macrtmsgdl.cpt KBytes: 3072
DESC: the GEnie Mac message section.
54 MacTick 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-23-1992
DESC: MacTick - This file is password protected and is an update of
KEY: MacTick KBytes: 84992
DESC: MacTick for registered users. MacTick is copyright John Sintuer and
DESC: MacWizards 1992. Tick allows Macintosh systems to automatically
DESC: dustribute files.
52 Maculator.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-24-1988
DESC: VT 100 telecommunication support program
KEY: Maculator.cpt KBytes: 35840
51 MacUnderground.dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-22-1986
DESC: MacPaint file on MacUndergrounds Chapter 13 filing.
KEY: MacUnderground.dd KBytes: 19456
49 MacWoof Review.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1991
DESC: This is a product review of Craig Vaughan's MacWoof Point System.
KEY: MacWoof Review.cpt KBytes: 14336
DESC: It appeared in the Winter 1991 issue of Network, the Macintosh
DESC: Network's official newsletter. It's free to reprint in other
DESC: newsletters, provided proper credit is given.
48 Magic GEnie 1.1.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-27-1989
DESC: RR Procedure to get messages and files automatically from GEnie
KEY: Magic GEnie 1.1.cpt KBytes: 28672
47 MagicMenu2.2.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-16-1991
DESC: Magic Menu places an additional menu in the Finder's menu bar. This
KEY: MagicMenu2.2.cpt KBytes: 53248
DESC: menu incorporates StuffIt's compression and decompression technology
DESC: into the Finder, making it possible to Stuff and UnStuff documents
DESC: and folders without launching an application. Magic Menu requires
DESC: the StuffIt Engine(tm), a portion of the commercial StuffIt
DESC: Deluxe(tm) package distributed by Aladdin Systems. Only registered
DESC: users of StuffIt Deluxe should download this package. If you do not
DESC: have the StuffIt Engine installed, this version of Magic Menu(tm)
DESC: will not be usable.
45 Mark Up 1.2.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-24-1991
DESC: Mark Up is designed to eliminate those annoying TabbyNet "Node
KEY: Mark Up 1.2.cpt KBytes: 6144
DESC: Marked Down" blues. Just insert in in every TabbyNet and Tabby Robot
DESC: event to protect a list of from one to 12 "sacred" node numbers. It
DESC: reads the Tabby Calls file and resets the bad calls number for each
DESC: node in its list to zero. Mark Up is free to registered users of my
DESC: utilities. Version 1.1 increases the list of node numbers from six
DESC: to 12. Version 1.2, which adds a SIZE resource and mild code
DESC: cleanup, was released July 1, 1991.-- Pete Johnson
43 Matchmaker.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-29-1988
DESC: RR Host matchmaker program
KEY: Matchmaker.cpt KBytes: 22528
42 MAUGForms 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-12-1989
DESC: MAUGForms for your use.
KEY: MAUGForms KBytes: 28672
41 MCS 1.0d 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-19-1987
DESC: MCS version 1.0d
KEY: MCS 1.0d KBytes: 10240
40 MCS 1.0dDoc 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-19-1987
DESC: MCS 1.0d Docs
KEY: MCS 1.0dDoc KBytes: 7168
39 Mehit206.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-14-1991
DESC: Latest version of mehitabel, the ultra-smart message backup utility.
KEY: Mehit206.cpt KBytes: 78848
DESC: Version 2.06 moves messages in Section 0 -- an illegal section --
DESC: to Section 255, where they can be deleted. Messages appear in
DESC: Section 0 as a result of file corruption. This is a double-Stuffed
DESC: file. It has been Stuffed (1.5.1) and encrypted with the Archie &
DESC: mehit password, then Stuffed again without the password to
DESC: eliminate the resource fork, which sometimes doesn't survive FREQs.
37 Menu Maker 2.0.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-19-1989
DESC: Menu Maker 2.0 - RR Host Menu editor.
KEY: Menu Maker 2.0.cpt KBytes: 7168
36 MergeLogs2.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-18-1989
DESC: Red Ryder Host 2.1 UserLog Merger version 2.0. For merging multiline
KEY: MergeLogs2.cpt KBytes: 40960
DESC: caller Logs.
33 MFHost 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-28-1987
DESC: RR Procedure for Background Host mode
KEY: MFHost KBytes: 3072
32 MFNotify.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-23-1990
DESC: MFNotify.sit is an RCMD for WK11 that tells you to move WK to the
KEY: MFNotify.cpt KBytes: 30720
DESC: desktop level.
31 MIC 2 TO 3 U 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-15-1989
DESC: Mic II to III upgrade info
KEY: MIC 2 TO 3 U KBytes: 2048
26 MiniBBS 1.1.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-07-1989
DESC: Microphone BBS file 2
KEY: MiniBBS 1.1.cpt KBytes: 5120
25 MinTrm.296.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-11-1988
DESC: Mini Term v296
KEY: MinTrm.296.cpt KBytes: 75776
24 MNP 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-07-1989
DESC: MNP Protocol
KEY: MNP KBytes: 5120
23 mnp.settings 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-20-1991
DESC: Here is a &V and \S of my profile that gets me hooked up to MNP on
KEY: mnp.settings KBytes: 3072
DESC: GEnie and at work. Keywords: mnp,modem,pratical periphials,
DESC: settings
22 Modem Answer 2.cpt 4 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-25-1989
DESC: A small application (about 2K) that will set your modem to
KEY: Modem Answer 2.cpt KBytes: 6144
DESC: autoanswer. Make it the startup application and you won't miss any
DESC: calls anymore.
21 MODEM BUDDY.CPT 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-30-1991
DESC: Bride of Modem Buddy is a nifty little solution to the problem of
DESC: timing out on BBS's. You know the situation - You're on your
DESC: favorite BBS, but you have to step away from your Mac for a moment
DESC: to do something else of importance, and when you return, you have
DESC: found that the timer on the BBS has kicked in so; HASTA LA VISTA!
DESC: What a pain. Bride of Modem Buddy will fix that. All you need is
DESC: a Mac with Multifinder or System 7 or higher, and enough memory to
DESC: run your terminal program and HyperCard at the same time.
20 Modem Init.dd 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-04-1987
DESC: Modem init setup file
KEY: Modem Init.dd KBytes: 8192
19 Modem Maker.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-17-1990
DESC: ModemMaker allows you to write modem scripts to allow you to setup
KEY: Modem Maker.cpt KBytes: 74752
DESC: your modem for various services (or other parameters), and then will
DESC: compile your scripts into applications, Inits, and XCMDs. This is a
DESC: very useful modem utility program! Instructions included with the
DESC: file. Shareware. Keywords:
DESC: Modem,Telecommunications,Init,XCMD,Script,Terminal
18 Modem Noise 3 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-04-1987
DESC: Modem Noise fix
KEY: Modem Noise KBytes: 6144
17 MODEM TERMS 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-25-1988
KEY: MODEM TERMS KBytes: 18432
15 MODEMCAB.TXT 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-30-1992
DESC: This text file contains info on high speed modem cable pin
DESC: assignments.
14 More Hosts 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-26-1986
DESC: A list of RR Host BBS's
KEY: More Hosts KBytes: 6144
13 MoveTick.0.8.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-31-1991
DESC: MoveTick.0.8 is from Kirk Crawford. This is in beta test for MacTick
KEY: MoveTick.0.8.cpt KBytes: 24576
DESC: users to automatically update their file sections.
12 MP II v.91 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-15-1988
DESC: "Upgraded" Microphone II Scripts for AMUG and other BBSs.
KEY: MP II v.91 KBytes: 44032
11 MP II v.93 7 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-06-1989
DESC: Dorman Bullard's Microphone II script for AMUG BBS and others
KEY: MP II v.93 KBytes: 45056
DESC: modified for Host 2.0 BBS. Still needs work for auto DL's but the
DESC: rest should work fine. Report bugs to Sysop or Dorman Bullard. Have
DESC: fun!!
10 MP's QUOTES.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-24-1990
DESC: This is a SIT file of Monty Python and the Search for the Holy
KEY: MP's QUOTES.cpt KBytes: 6144
DESC: Grail Quotes. It contains 100 Quotes derived from the classic movie.
DESC: It's in RRH/SS format. It's free except for the stamp. It's a great
DESC: thing to have on a BBS.
9 MSDNPOL.TXT 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-02-1991
DESC: The Macintosh Software Distribution System (or MSDN for short) is a
KEY: MSDNPOL.TXT KBytes: 18432
DESC: project to distribute Public Domain and Shareware files that are of
DESC: interest to the Macintosh comunnity. The MSDN Policy is decided by
DESC: Duncan McNutt who is the initiator and International Coordinator of
DESC: MSDN. This file describes the rules and regulations of MSDN. To
DESC: purchase MacTick in order to participate in this process as a
DESC: Macintosh fidonet node send $35.00 for MacTick to Michael Bean at
DESC: 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234 USA.
8 MSGAGE 3.0.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-20-1991
DESC: MSGAGE 3.0 by Ray Leninger. MSGAGE is an updated and greatly
KEY: MSGAGE 3.0.cpt KBytes: 70656
DESC: expanded version of my old "Special Message Editor" for use with
DESC: Second Sight/Red Ryder Host BBSs. MSGAGE allows editing of most
DESC: fields of a message header including To, From, Subject, etc. Allows
DESC: moving messages from section to section, marking messages for
DESC: deletion, undeleting, writing messages to a text file, copying
DESC: (forwarding) a message to someone else or another message section,
DESC: making private messages public or visa versa, searching for messages
DESC: by any header parameter, etc, etc. Can be used as an application or
DESC: as a Second Sight Command 50/51 external either locally or remotely.
7 MUBBS etc.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-31-1991
DESC: This contains more files for modules in the MUBBS system. You will
KEY: MUBBS etc.cpt KBytes: 169984
DESC: need the MUBBS files posted in the Telecom section of this CD-ROM if
DESC: you wish to set up your own BBS.
4 MUBBS V0.5.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1991
DESC: MUBBS is a "Multi User BBS" and is modular. You can program your own
KEY: MUBBS V0.5.cpt KBytes: 178176
DESC: modules, then add them to MUBBS wherever you like. You can
DESC: basically construct your own custom BBS any way you please. There
DESC: are several "standard" modules included in the archive like "Files"
DESC: and "E-Mail" and others. The BBS is set up to run as-is, but you
DESC: will want to configure it however you want. MUBBS can handle up to
DESC: 32 users (and eats lots of memory when doing so).
3 MUGADMIN nominations 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-09-1991
DESC: CANDIDATES FOR MUGADMIN MODERATOR, voting begins 3/7 ends 3/21 send
KEY: MUGADMIN nominations KBytes: 3072
DESC: vote (1 per BBS or point) to: Bob Nordling @1:396/13, n your
DESC: message, include your name, fidonet address, and if you wish the
DESC: listing of your vote to remain anonymous, then include a code word.
DESC: In 2 weeks I will post a listing of votes received along with the
DESC: final tally: (node, candidate voted for) or (code word, candidate
DESC: voted for)...also will include a list of all nodes which voted. The
DESC: 3 candidates which were nominated: Michael Bean, Larry Bowdish and
DESC: Bob Seaver! Please VOTE...
2 MultiLoadV2.0.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-20-1988
DESC: Multiload version 2.0 procedure
KEY: MultiLoadV2.0.cpt KBytes: 5120
1 MultiXfer V0.6.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-10-1990
DESC: MultiXfer V0.6 is the latest version of this bi-directional file
KEY: MultiXfer V0.6.cpt KBytes: 35840
DESC: transfer and chat utility from Martin Dubuc. Based on X25, Zmodem
DESC: and MCS, this application allows you to connect to another Mac and
DESC: lets both parties exchange files in both directions while chatting
DESC: online. Freeware. Needs Compactor Deluxe uncompression (Classic,
DESC: etc).